Zoning data

Find out what can be built on a parcel of land in just a few clicks with LandTech's Zoning tools.

Florida development

What’s so wrong with the way we currently reference a parcel’s zoning restrictions?

Establishing the true zoning restrictions of a great looking development opportunity can often be easier said than done.

Finding the right information in county and municipality websites can take what feels like an eternity, and it’s also really easy to miss any zoning changes when checking status this way. All this can add up to the success or failure of a project before things ever really get moving.

People planning property development

Easily establish zoning status. Save resource. Make decisions faster

We’ve designed a simple to use Zoning system, which makes it easy for property professionals to establish what the zoning restrictions on a parcel of land are in just a few clicks. Here are some of the features that you’ll be using:

Color-coded zoning representations

It couldn’t be any easier to visualize the zoning restrictions you’re most interested in with LandTech. Everything is color-coded so all you have to do is zoom into an area of interest and reference the color to the key.

We’ve also designed the system for consistency when working in different cities. So if you’re (for example) working on projects in Orlando and Miami, the data in LandInsight will be shown in the same way.


Parcel size filtering

Only interested in the zoning restrictions of parcels of a certain size? No problem.

Simply enter the size you’re looking for into the filter, and then only parcels within those parameters will be shown.


Toggle the zoning types that you want to see

Only interested in a particular zone type? Select from the color-coded list to only see the zone types that you’re interested in. Maybe even add a parcel size filter too to really narrow down your search.


Future Land Use (FLU) designations

Easily see what counties and municipalities intend to do with their land in the future in LandTech's FLU (Future Land Use) data layer.


Data powered by Zoneomics

We've partnered with Zoneomics to deliver unparalleled zoning insights and land use data. 

Zoneomics Logo_Registered_Blktxt

How our customers currently use LandTech to transform their ways of working

Castle Street Investments has evolved over time, thanks to the fusion of technology adoption and entrepreneurship. By blending traditional wisdom with contemporary innovation, they have been able to forge novel business approaches and flourish in a fiercely competitive industry.

“The information that I can access on LandTech helps me with time management, expanding my knowledge and gaining an understanding of what is happening in the land market.

Their user-friendly platform is a must and has a support system that’s second to none”. 

Glen Crump - Director
Castle Street Investments


Discover the benefits of LandTech Zoning data for your development project

We are eager to understand your unique challenges and provide tailored solutions.

Click the "Request Demo" button below, and our experts will guide you through the various ways LandTech's zoning data can enhance your development projects.

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